Stoneywood Dyce Cricket Club

Stoneywood Dyce Cricket Club News story

26th June - Ellon Festival

02 Jun 2016

Dear all

Ellon CC have confirmed their Softball Festival on the 26th June, will begin at 10:00 and teams are requested to arrive for 9:30 am.

The format will follow a similar one to the format we had at SDCC.

For catering purposes, please could you confirm if your junior is available to play?  Ellon (along with Methlick) are one of the very few clubs to support us at our festivals each year so it would be good to get as many SDCC juniors along as we can.

Finally, due to limited numbers and another junior game on the 12th June, we will not be having a festival at the club that day.

Kind regards.

SDCC Selection Committee